Sustainable Livelihood Programme – Field Research Report

Sustainable Livelihood in Phalombe

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From July till October 2013, we conducted a field research mandated by Ekari Foundation. The goal was to see if there is any room for a Sustainable Livelihood Program like Ekari Foundation would like to launch in 2014.

In a first phase, we visited all the families from all the Ekari beneficiaries to see where and how they live, where their garden is located, what they are growing and how much thay harvest each year.

The second phase brought us into the local markets and trading centers to see how they’re organized, what they’re selling and which opportunities might be waiting.

During the third and last phase, we met with all the government institutions and NGOs that are active in Phalombe district or that could serve as a good example. The goal here was to see how we could learn from their experiences and if a collaboration would be possible.

We hope this report will serve Ekari Foundation and to who ever would like to know more about the living conditions and agricultural practices in Phalombe District.

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